

Chairmaker's Bevel-Down Drawknife

Chairmaker's Bevel-Down Drawknife


Available with either an approximately 8” long straight blade, or approximately 9” long straight blade. Styled off of the fine knives made in Sheffield, England in the early 19th century, this drawknife is intended to be both an elegant and extremely user-friendly knife for chairmaking or similar work, with the bevel-down orientation giving extra versatility in dealing with inside curves, etc. These drawknives are made just like they were two centuries ago, with a tough wrought iron body and a thin layer of high carbon 1084 steel laminated on via forge welding for good edge durability. The turned beech handles are copied directly from some original drawknives, and the tapered tangs extend all the way through the handles and are secured with a riveted endcap for an extremely tight and robust handle. Just like those English knives of centuries ago, these drawing-knives are available in both a black as-forged finish or a bright ground finish. Made to order- just ask if you have any questions or would like some design changes.

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