We've been offering replica Roman crucifixion nails for a few years now, but there's a bit of a story behind how we got here.
Read moreShop Progress
Over the summer, with Elijah doing a lot of the hard work while I stayed at the forge, we really made a lot of progress on the shop. The shop build has been a slowly progressing project since 2019…
Read moreLatest Custom Work from the Forge
Our forge business is twofold- some of our sales are comprised of regular items that we have listed on the website here and in our Etsy store, and some are custom jobs.
Read moreIt's Not All Blacksmithing Around Here
While I spend most days at the forge, there’s plenty of other things happening too.
Read moreA Look Back at Our Summer
As summers always seem to go, it went by all too fast. I’m treasuring this really fun stage with the children though – ages 10 down to the baby. I know it’s a special time because all the kids are still of an age to enjoy so much of their learning, games, and pretend play all together.
Read morePie from the Garden
I’m so excited to share our first homegrown garden harvest story of the year - something completely new to me, yet a very traditional staple for many - rhubarb!
Read moreA Roof for Marse
A couple weekends ago, Elijah and I went and helped our friend Marse put a metal roof on his new 16x20’ shop. I’ve helped install a number of metal roofs over the years, including those on my own house and outbuildings, and there are things about doing it that I really enjoy, and other things not so much.
Read moreA Day in the Life of a Blacksmith's Wife
As soon as Jordan finishes coffee, he’s off to milk the cow while I wake up any kids that are still sleeping and get breakfast on the table. A typical breakfast is…
Read moreHomestead & Business Happenings
It’s SO green here! It seems like we had a rather slow spring this year, but everything is mostly leafed-out now, and there are plenty of late-spring flowers in bloom. Lots of stuff going on in the shop, and around the homestead too.
Read moreA new Gate for the Cow Shed, and a couple good Books
One night last week, after Alan (6) and Marian (7) had performed their nightly chore of separating the cows and feeding them, Phoebe, who is a very large and healthy 5 months old, decided she’d try her weight against the already-taxed 36” high welded hog-wire panel I was using to close the front of the shed, and practically obliterated it, making good her escape.
Read moreTalent vs. Skill
Something I’ve run into is that I will fairly often get compliments on social media from folks on my “talent” or “gifting” at working metal, and as I am unsure I have EVER had a natural aptitude towards any of the crafts that I like doing, this has led me to wonder about how we look at those things.
Read moreWhere do we go from here?
Blacksmiths must also work to tell the story of the trade to as wide an audience as possible. Few skilled crafts/trades/arts are safe from obsolescence in the modern age- but some, like traditional blacksmithing, while far from dead and a long way from extinction, are basically irrelevant to popular culture and will remain so as long as long as their story is not being told.
Read moreOn Getting Started and Going Full Time
“Congratulations on your successful business, man! Love your work!” I receive Instagram messages like this or even similar comments from friends who have seen my frequent posts on Instagram or Facebook pretty frequently. For a while, instead of being properly encouraged and humbled, I wanted to have a pity party.
Read moreAh, the simple life...
I believe that, while this so-called “alternative lifestyle” is FILLED with simple pleasures, it is anything but simple, and sometimes, the “simple life” is one where someone else keeps the checks coming- and where all you have to do is get up and show up.
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